IAS Security Hero

How to uninstall VIPRE AntiVirus

Before you can begin using Windows Defender as your primary malware and antivirus program, it is recommended that you uninstall VIRPE from your desktop computer, laptop or tablet. Directions for doing this can be found below.

  1. Navigate to the Control Panel.
  2. Choose the Uninstall a Program, or Programs and Features option.
  3. A list of programs should be displayed. Locate VIPRE and click Uninstall or Change or Change/Remove to begin the uninstall process.
  4. A prompt will appear asking to Remove or Repair VIPRE. Choose Remove.
  5. The next prompt will ask to keep or remove data files. Choose Yes, remove all items, then click Next.
  6. Click Remove to begin the removal process. This may take several minutes.
  7. After the removal process, click Finish then restart the computer if prompted.

Once VIPRE is removed from your desktop computer, laptop or tablet, please proceed to the Getting Started with Windows 10's Windows Defender page.

if you're unable to uninstall VIPRE from your desktop computer, laptop or tablet, please contact the IAS Help Desk assigned to your School, Department or Group.

Information Technology Group - ext. 8044 / askitg@ias.edu
The Information Technology Group provides support to School of Historical Studies, School of Social Science, Administration and programs under the Director's Office.

Mathematics Computing Department - ext. 8012 / help@math.ias.edu
Computing support for the School of Mathematics is provided by the Mathematics Computing Department.

Natural Sciences Computing Department - ext. 8030 / helpdesk@sns.ias.edu
Computing support for the School of Natural Sciences is provided by the School of Natural Sciences Computing Department.