IAS Security Hero

IAS Computer Security Seminar for October 2020

Dear Faculty, Members, and Partners,

I would like to invite you to the IAS Computer Security Seminar where we will learn about what you can do to protect yourself online. Nothing is more distracting then dealing with a stolen password, or having your files hijacked with ransomware. Learning some techniques on how to spot scams and what easy steps you can do to protect yourself could help you avoid the interruptions and focus on your work.

We will offer the seminar at two times in October to ensure you have a chance to join us (via a remote session over Zoom).

October 14, 2020 at 2pm or
October 20, 2020 at 10am

Please register here to join us for either seminar: https://theias.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMsce-gqz0rE9CWjV-4lrU04tkm1imZZyD9

Remember, only you can protect yourself from a scam. Learn how to spot phishing [1] and more at these talks.

Safe Computing,

1. https://security.ias.edu/spotting-scam-email-aka-phish